Senate Bill 1069 makes it easier to build Accessory Dwelling Units aka Granny Flats in San Juan Capistrano, CA!
With the passage of Senate Bill 1069, that went into effect January 1, 2017, San Juan Capistrano, CA just opened the doors for more people to build Accessory Dwelling Units aka Granny Flats aka Secondary Units on their property. The law was prompted by escalating housing prices and a need for more affordable housing units.
Although building secondary units on property for elderly parents coined the term “granny flats,” real estate agents and lawmakers say rent is so high that just about everyone is trying to get in one nowadays. “It’s a modest step,” said Steve Russell, executive director of the San Diego Housing Federation. “Anything that contributes to housing supply is part of the solution . . . it’s a big drop in the bucket but it’s still just a drop in the bucket.”
Bill Cavanaugh, USModular Inc said “Building an Accessory Dwelling Units is a cost effective way to add square footage for family members or for a rental unit to offset the rising cost of homes in San Juan Capistrano, CA. Our typical client builds an 850 sq. ft Accessory Dwelling unit which will have a kitchen , living room , up to 2 bedrooms and baths which is manageable and affordable for most home owners.”
Some of the Key points in SB 1069 *1 include:
ADU cannot exceed 1,200 sq. ft
ADU can be standalone unit/house
Reduced Parking requirements must meet several variables
Reduced Fees for water, sewer, utility connection
ADU can be built with Modular Construction, Site Built or built as a Manufactured Home
Fire sprinklers may be eliminated if main dwelling does not have sprinklers
ADU plus main residence must still meet local zoning Floor Area and Set Backs
Although SB 1069 streamlines the process and reduces fees and parking requirements – the local building departments still have rules and regulations for submitting applications and plans for an Accessory Dwelling Unit.To determine if it’s feasible from a zoning and financial standpoint – USModular offers a Feasibility Study with a Conceptual Budget service that will help most homeowners make an informed decision as to the size, location and cost of building a Accessory Dwelling Unit.
USModular Inc Accessory Dwelling Unit Feasibility Study Services include Phase 1: Feasibility Study with Conceptual Budget:
- Review Local Building Department Rules/Regulations to determine:
- Floor Area Ratio, Setbacks, Parking , Mass Transit Plan , Available Utilities and Needs analysis
- Plan Submittal Requirements
- Create Site Plan of Current House
- Analyze options for New construction for ADU
- Develop Conceptual Budget for New Construction ( Site Build , Modular, Manufactured)
If the Feasibility Study and Budget are agreeable to client – then we can create a Construction contract and start Phase 2. Phase 2 – New Construction
- Choose a pre-designed Accessory Dwelling Unit ( most cost effective) or custom design ADU
- Determine Type of Construction ( site Build, Modular, Manufactured)
- Create required Civil Engineering Plans and House plans
- Submit site and house plans to State and local building departments for approvals
- Demo/Grade
- Install required utilities
- Build Foundation
- Build Home / Install Modular / Manufactured Home
- Coordinate with State and local building department for inspections
- Complete exterior site work or landscaping per plans
- Obtain Certificate of Occupancy
- Accessory Dwelling Units start at $ 125/ sq. ft *2
- Site Built ADU – TBD based on design, finishes, code
- Accessory Dwelling Units are welcome in cities like San Juan Capistrano, CA – as a means to increase affordable housing opportunities for families or for rental properties. Local jurisdiction will dictate setbacks and floor area ratios but State law typically dictates parking and connection fees.
Visit our website at for more information or contact Abe Ferreira at or 951 679 9907 *1 For More information on Accessory Dwelling Units in San Juan Capistrano, CA and SB 1069: *2 For More Information on site development costs: Find the perfect floor plan at: